UNITAR Participants Gather in Yako for Mangrove Planting

October 5, 2024

About 70 participants from eight Pacific Island countries attending a United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) workshop in Nadi gathered in Yako Village today for a mangrove planting event.

This initiative is part of UNITAR’s Sea and Human Security training program. It offers attendees the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the ecological importance of mangroves and the benefits of community collaboration in enhancing environmental resilience.

In welcoming the participants, village headman Waisake Ratoto discussed the significance of the activity. “The objective is to help mitigate the consequences of climate change,” he said.

Abarama Qio from Fiji’s Department of Forestry spoke about the role of mangroves in sustaining coastal livelihoods. He shared best practices from the village and highlighted the government’s initiative to plant 30 million trees over the next 15 years to combat climate change.

The regional workshop taking place in Nadi until October 10 aims to equip participants with the skills to address pressing sea and human security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.

The training program is funded by the Government and People of Japan.

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