Online appeal to help children with disabilities

July 2, 2020

Support for children with disabilities and their families across Fiji continues as the Frank Hilton Organisation launched an online appeal on July 1.

The appeal targets children who reside at the care unit, the Hilton Home and others most vulnerable in communities.

Frank Hilton Organisation Chief Executive Officer Sureni Perera said these individuals require professional care and attention on a daily basis.

“At times, their disabilities are so severe that families simply cannot cope, which leaves these individuals at risk of neglect or abuse. They are therefore placed in our care by the State. Social issues such as increased domestic abuse and the stresses from COVID-19-related impacts such as job losses means that individuals under our care are more vulnerable than ever before.”

Frank Hilton Organisation Chief Executive Officer Sureni Perera

Perera said as an organisation they strive to ensure the holistics development of a child is met and provide an environment that is conducive to his or her mental and physical needs.

She also added the impacts of COVID-19 has stretched the tendency to protect and assist the most vulnerable in communities. 

“A child with a disability is no different. Therefore when you contribute towards the organisation you are also upholding the rights of a child.”

Donations can be made online via, or write a cheque to “Fiji Crippled Children’s Society Suva Branch”, or make a money transfer to our HFC Bank Account 13444S10 or Westpac Account # 9802444068. Food items, diapers and other needs of the home can be donated at Hilton Home, 139 Brown Street, Suva. 

Perera also commended the generous efforts of donors, volunteers and the government’s annual support towards the organisation’s operational costs.

The Frank Hilton Organisation was established almost 60 years ago and was known as the Fiji Crippled Children’s Society Suva. It provided mainly special education until 2012 before it  shifted its focus to meet the needs of children at the earliest possible time. It now provides physiotherapy, audiology, speech pathology, behaviour support, assistive devices and community support programmes through a centre-based and outreach, community-based approach. 

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