High Court Sentences Joni Raciri to Life Imprisonment for Bayview Heights Murder

August 27, 2024

A high court in Suva sentenced Joni Raciri, 50, to life imprisonment for the murder of Nanise Rorovanua Saukitoga, and for attempting to grievously harm another victim, Setaita Uduvakavo Saumatua Rasea in Bayview Heights in Suva last year.

The court ruled that Raciri must serve a minimum of 16 years and 11 months before being eligible for parole.

The murder occurred on June 9, 2023, at a residence in Bayview Heights where Raciri worked as a security guard.

According to court documents, Raciri had invited Rasea, 18, to join him for a drinking session. Rasea, who referred to Raciri as “Uncle John,” later invited her friend, 21-year-old Saukitoga, to join them. As the evening progressed, an intoxicated Raciri became increasingly agitated and violent.

When Saukitoga suggested they leave the premises, Raciri’s anger escalated. He accused the young woman of wanting to abandon him and, in a fit of rage, attacked Saukitoga with a garden hoe, striking her multiple times. Raciri continued to assault Saukitoga even after she had fallen, causing severe head and chest injuries that led to her death. The autopsy confirmed that she died from severe traumatic injuries.

Raciri then turned on Rasea, striking her with the same garden hoe as she tried to escape. Despite her injuries, Rasea managed to climb over the locked gate and call for help. Neighbours responded to her cries, and the police were soon on the scene, arresting Raciri, who was heavily intoxicated at the time.

During his trial, Raciri pleaded guilty to both charges.

In delivering the sentence yesterday, the presiding judge Justice Pita Bulamainaivalu categorised the murder as “high in seriousness,” noting the brutality of the attack and Raciri’s deliberate actions to prevent the victims from leaving. The judge also considered Raciri’s prior conviction for assault in 2018. Justice Bulamainaivalu highlighted the importance of imposing a sentence that reflects the seriousness of the crime and serves as a deterrent. The judge also referred to the trauma suffered by the victims and their families as a result of Raciri’s actions.

The two-year and 11-month sentence for the grievous harm charge will run concurrently with the life sentence.

Raciri has 30 days to appeal the sentence.

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