Fiji Secondary Schools Netball Secure Crest Chicken Sponsorship

August 8, 2024

Crest Chicken has continued its support for the growth and expansion of the game of netball with their latest sponsorship of the finals of the Fiji secondary school’s tournament which is to be held in Suva on August 21st to the 23rd.

Fiji Netball President Vivian Koster said this was a welcome move and the sporting organization was grateful to Crest Chicken for their support.

“We thank Crest Chicken because this enables us to carry out the finals which many schools are already preparing for and looking forward to participate at.”

A total of 132 teams will be participating at the games with Rotuma High School and Adi Maopa Secondary School from Vanuabalavu amongst thes furthest travelling teams.

Fiji Secondary School Netball rep Navitalai Naivalu said the games will be a culmination of the best netball teams at the secondary school from around the country.

“All schools that are participating are preparing well and these finals will be a display of skills and will show forth the hardwork that everyone has been putting throughout the season.”

Parent company of Crest Chicken, Goodman Fielder General Manager Tima Carter said the company recognises the need to support the growth of sports development in Fiji.

“We also recognise and therefore wanted to partner with Fiji Netball Association, because of the importance of supporting young and developing lcoal athletes and upcoming talent with nutritious protein to help support them across their sporting pursuits.”

The games will be held at the National netball centre and at the LICI courts at Laucala Bay.

Photo: President of Netball Fiji Vivian Koster, GM Goodman Fielder Tim Carter and Master Navi Naivalu from Fiji Secondary Schools Netball.

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