CWM Hospital services moved to alternate venues as COVID19 cases rise significantly

June 8, 2021

Coronavirus cases recorded at the CWM Hospital in Suva have risen to close to 60 in less than a week as services including emergency care have been moved to the field hospital at the Vodafone Arena in Laucala Bay after the health facility was converted into a dedicated COVID19 hospital overnight.

Since the first case involving an admitted patient and a nurse was reported on 1 June, the hospital has recorded cases every day with two positive individuals who died in the same period but whose cause of death have not been linked to COVID-19.

Averaging close to 10 cases a day between 1 June and 7 June, equating to about 5% of an estimated 1200 people including patients, their carers and staff who were isolated, and tested at the CWM Hospital on the night the first cases were announced.

To date, the ministry is still to disclose how the hospital index cases contracted the virus – the patient originally from Labasa had been admitted at the hospital for six weeks, and tested positive in her exit testing protocols before her scheduled transfer to Labasa Hospital. The ministry had suspected that she contracted the virus from another patient, a visitor or staff during her admission. The second cases, a nurse was tested after she developed symptoms. According to the ministry she had been working within her bubble and was housed at one of the hotels in Suva.

The two deaths, both deemed as having not stemmed from COVID19 because of other illnesses they were admitted for, were announced on 5 June 2021 involving a 38-year-old woman and last night, a male patient.

In the wake of declaring CWM a full-COVID-care facility, the Ministry of Health released alternative venues for other services which are outlined below:

Emergency Department: The CWM Hospital’s Emergency Department is closed to all members of the public as of 12pm, 07 June 2021. All patients needing emergency services will be required to visit the FEMAT Emergency Department Facility at the Vodafone arena in Laucala Bay. Those who require admission, after review at the FEMAT ED, will be admitted at either the Vodafone Arena or CWM hospital.

Ante Natal Clinic: Expectant mothers attending the Ante Natal Clinic or ANC in Suva should present at their nearest health centre or the Medical Services Pacific (MSP) at Waimanu Road, Suva. Mothers who are in labour can present at the Maternity Unit at CWM Hospital. Entrance is ONLY through the maternity foyer along the entrance from Waimanu Road. After checking and testing, mothers will be sent to deliver at CWMH or Makoi Maternity Unit.

Children’s Outpatient Department: From 6pm, 7th June 2021, services from the Children’s Outpatient Department are being relocated to the Paediatric Emergency Department (ED) services at the FEMAT Field Hospital, Vodafone Arena in Laucala Bay, Suva. Children requiring emergency medical care should now be taken to the Paediatric ED at the Vodafone arena.

Surgical Procedure: For patients requiring surgical care, surgical operations will be undertaken at the CWM Hospital, PEI Eye Dept at Brown Street, and the MV Veivueti at the Suva wharf.

Outpatient Services: Members of the public requiring outpatient care for minor illnesses are encouraged to access health services at their nearest health centre. 

COVID19 Symptoms: Those experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms of (sore throat, fever, loss of taste/smell, shortness of breath, aches and pains, fatigue/tiredness) are asked to visit the nearest screening clinic or Call 158.

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