Believe Fiji 2023: Empowering Students and Spreading Positivity

August 17, 2023

Believe Global and Planetshakers are holding their third Believe Campaign in Fiji this year–Believe Fiji 2023.

In Suva, there is a team of 60-70 members from Australia who are actively engaged in running various programs. These programs are being conducted in schools, starting with Holy Trinity and Lelean Memorial School today, and extending to hospitals, correctional facilities, and markets.

The highlight of this week-long series of programs will be the two Believe Nights of Celebration scheduled for Friday and Saturday evenings at 6pm, taking place at the Vodafone Arena.

Chief of Staff at Believe Global Joey Poh said that their teams will be interacting with around 20,000 students from different schools. The primary focus is to encourage these students to “Be the Change.” This message will be conveyed through impactful illustrations, engaging activities, and uplifting music.

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“This is the first time the Planetshakers Band is back in Suva since the pandemic and we expect it to be an impactful event for the whole city,” Poh said. “We are passionate about empowering the next generation to step up and play their part in building the future of this great nation together. The events will feature Planetshakers music, inspiring messages and fun activities for all ages.”

For those interested in attending, tickets are priced at FJD10 each and can be purchased at Jack’s of Fiji outlets, specifically the ones located at Pier St and Damodar City.

The Believe Teams are also scheduled to visit MGM Primary and Ratu Sukuna Memorial School tomorrow as part of their activities.

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