Ba Province Seeks Divine Intervention

August 1, 2024

Chairman of the Ba Provincial Council Ratu Meli Tora says the Vanua o Ba is seeking God’s intervention in the province beginning with its 21 Tikinas committing Sunday 4th of August as a day of prayer and the dedication of their province to God.

Ratu Meli said that the Province has chosen to re-dedicate their province, their tikinas and their lives to God for anointing and direction as Fiji grapples with the rising finds of illicit drugs and amongst other social ills on our shores.

“This Sunday all our 21 Tikinas right across our province will be dedicating our soil, our land, our seas and our people back to the Creator for blessing and anointing.”

“Ba is the largest province and all these recent drug busts have been happening in the province of Ba. We cannot fight this epidemic on our own as humans even with all the resources we have. We need God’s intervention to curb this evil that is grappling our nation of Fiji.”

Ratu Meli has also joined the call of authorities and stakeholders for the working together of various groups to help address what he termed is getting out of control in Fiji.

“If we don’t do something now, we will lose a generation of people to these drugs which is already affecting our young people.”

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