Police to check on residents conducting their own roadblocks

May 14, 2021

Some residents and youth of some streets in Lami, Suva and Nasinu have started setting up their own roadblocks and checkpoints to check if people entering their neighbourhoods have masks and the careFIJI app on.

Mai TV witnessed some youths at their checkpoint in Nepani in Nasinu stopping vehicles passing through, and have been reliably informed that youths in some streets of Delainavesi are doing the same including at Baka Drive and Kauvula Street.

When Mai TV visited the Nepani area today the youths were seen taking temperatures, with an Infrared-Thermometer Gun, of every passenger passing through the Nepani entry point. They were also seen giving sanitisers to the people and logging down their details in a book.

Sanaila Savou who is heading the team says they have set up the checkpoint for the wellbeing of the Nepani residents.

“I am a resident of Nepani, here we are conducting precautionary measures, we are just doing temperature check-up and sanitisation. Most people are responding well to our service, but some think otherwise, but we have the support of the Police,” Savou said.

Mai TV saw a Police vehicle pass through the community-checkpoint without raising any issues.

Police Chief of Operations Abdul Khan told Mai TV that they were unaware of the roadblocks but he would be checking with his Divisional Police Commanders to address them.

Savou says the work they are doing is voluntary and all to ensure their community is safe.

A barricade has been erected by the youths at Nepani with a large sign stating “No Visitors, No without Mask, Please download care Fiji App.”

Photos: Supplied

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