Programme to enhance Fiji COVID-19 safe to travel status

October 15, 2020

Fiji’s Ministry of Tourism launched a programme today aimed to boost the confidence of potential visitors when international borders reopen.

Launching the Care Fiji Commitment programme in Suva, Minister for Tourism Faiyaz Koya said it outlines health and hygiene practices the local tourism sector and stakeholders are encouraged to adhere to. The programme also includes tools, training and resources they need, to comply with these guidelines.  

“It also gives consumers consistency about what they can expect no matter where they go in Fiji. It also outlines the steps to be taken in case there is a case and how to respond,” Koya said.

For the programme to be effective, Koya says it will need to be adopted and implemented. Doing so, he adds will “provide added confidence to those who are contemplating a visit to Fiji…that Fiji is a safe place to travel.”

“When the borders reopen, the visitor expectation will change dramatically – it already has,” Koya said. “What was once at our advantage may no longer be. While relaxing in a tropical getaway might still be on visitors’ minds, they will also be searching for a destination that has best practice COVID-19 containment measures. In other words, they will be seeking reassurance that their holiday destination is a safe place to travel.” 

The programme, he said builds on the existing Fiji Tourism COVID Safe Operational Guidelines that was launched in July this year.

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