Motion to follow shorter COVID19 budget is process carried

March 26, 2020

A motion tabled to quicken the process to get the COVID19 budget approved in parliament was carried this hour as Fiji’s government work to tabled in three hours and approved within the next 24 hours.

While speaking on the motion to change the standing orders in order ot reduce the debate time, Attorney General and Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum reminded parliament the  COVID19 budget was to take the country for the next four months.

He reminded the opposition which strongly opposed changes which would curtail debate time they would have the opportunity to see the budget overnight and be part of the response to the disease.

“They will have an opportunity to look at the document overnight. They talking about their rights. They are forgetting the rights of every ordinary Fijians outside this parliament. We are using the law, and that is why the law is drafted in a manner for extraordinary circumstances.”

“This is extraordinary circumstance. People need access to funds.”

He said the budget would give people who have lost their jobs assistance with basic utilities like electricity and water .

“They need it now. Let me announce the budget. You can criticise it.”

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