Protecting Lau’s Natural Resources a Priority; MOU Enhances work in the Province

July 17, 2024

Conservation International along with the Lau Seascape Initiative continues their partnership to safeguard and keep intact the natural resources in the province of Lau through the signing of two Memorandum of Understandings signed in Suva this week.

The MOU’s seeks to train and upskill 19 newly appointed Mata ni Yaubula representatives who were recently appointed at the Lau Provincial Council meeting held in Suva and further enable the work already taking place on the ground.

Conservation International Senior Director Fiji Program & Regional Fisheries Mere Lakeba said the partnership was something the organization was excited about as it further signifies the importance of collaboration to protect Fiji’s natural resources.

“We had the opportunity to take them through the laws that is encompassing of natural resource use and we also took them through restoration techniques.”

“It is important that we do all we can to protect the natural resources that we have in Fiji. More care, more concern and more concentrated effort should be directed to this.”

Turaga na Roko Sau Ratu Josefa Cinavilakeba said the people of Totoya along with the other islands in Lau were committed to this partnership because this will ensure that wildlife, fish and natural resources unique to the Lau Province are sustained for their future generations.

“We must work together to ensure that what we have on our land is safe and secure and we must also continue to teach our children the importance of being good stewards of what God has blessed us with in Lau in terms of natural resources on the land and in the sea.”

Through the BHP Funded Project, Fiji’s Lau Seascape: Preserving Ocean and Island Biodiversity for Resilient Communities Project is allocating financial support over the three (3) years, for the appropriate resourcing of the ‘Mata ni Yaubula Management Network” in the province of Lau.

Through the GEF Inclusive Conservation Initiative Project a total sum of $150,000.00 is allocated over a period of 3 years for the appropriate resourcing of the Lau Provincial Council Office, for strengthening traditional governance for effective management of natural resources and increased resilience to climate change in Fiji.

Photo: Turaga na Roko Sau Ratu Josefa Cinavilakeba shaking hands with Ministry of iTaukei Affairs Director of Operations Mosese Nakoroi at the signing of the MOU in Suva.

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