Schools Close in North, West and on Ovalau

March 17, 2024

Schools in the Northern and Western Division including Ovalau are to remain closed tomorrow.

Fiji’s Ministry of Education says this will remain so until the current wet weather subsides in the affected areas.

A statement from Permanent Secretary Selina Kuruleca says parents are to also safely monitor their children during these adverse weather conditions.

“The heavy rain overnight, and in those areas for most of today, has led to increased risk of flooding and landslides. Some of our schools are also being used as Evacuation Centers, and most of the schools are deemed to be inaccessible due to broken irish crossings, flooded waters, and flood prone areas are still flooded even though the low tide this afternoon, we had hoped for some relief,” Kuruleca said.

“There are also reports of power outages, water cuts, and disruption to public transportation.

“Heads of Schools in the mentioned Education Divisions and District are to closely work with school management committees to assess the status of your schools. Education District offices and Divisional Education Offices are to be given detailed status reports of respective schools.”

The Ministry of Education reminds all parents and guardians to be alert of the current unfavourable weather condition.

Photo: Ministry of Education

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