June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020

Pacific nations have largely avoided the worst health effects of COVID-19, but its economic impact has been devastating. With the tourism tap turned off, unemployment has soared while GDP has

June 17, 2020

Sixty eight farmers of Nubu in Nadarivatu will benefit from selling their produce to the Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA). These contracted farmers will be required to commit 125 acres of

June 17, 2020

NEW ZEALAND has given $150,000 NZD this week towards cyclone relief and diverted the cash to the Prime Minister’s National Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Fund. A statement from the Fijian

June 17, 2020

A new variety of cassava is now in huge demand in Australia and the local market, a recent survey found. The survey finding has prompted the Ministry of Agriculture to
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